
May 17, 2016 • Repo on Github

A WebExtension for YouTube

The YTImproved extension is a webextension that adds various improvements to youtube.

Mostly it does this by removing a lot of stuff, such as the toxic comments section.

The extension itself is written using the commonly accepted chrome extension format, and due to this it can be used on all browsers that support it, such as chrome, chromium derivatives like opera or vivaldi, and the more recent firefox derived browsers.

The extension is currently in an unfinished state, so it is not present on web stores, so it will need to be installed manually.


+ Dark Colour Scheme
+ Player Fills Page
+ Inline Video Previews on thumbnails
+ Automatic redirection for some barriers [e.g. Age Restrictions]
+ Provide RSS feed link as alternative to subscription button
+ Deletes various page elements that serve no purpose to watching videos [e.g. Comments, Related, Sidebar]


There are currently a few issues preventing this from becoming properly mainstream. These are:
- #43 Player interactions when there are pre-roll advertisements
- #52 Videos in a playlist work, but when the video changes, the page details will not update.

If you wish to contribute, feel free to comment on these issues, or add your own.